Target policy
The leadership and collective of civil servants, public employees and employees of the Aquaculture Testing, Inspection and Certification Center are committed to understanding and taking action to ensure the implementation of the quality policy with the motto: "Customer is the center".
- Maximize the capacity of the team of cadres and assessment experts who are carefully recruited, have basic training, are professionally competent, have enough experience working in a professional working environment with modern facilities, techniques and equipment, meeting practical requirements and the development of science and technology;
- Information is always complete, accurate, and promptly transmitted to customers; related groups and individuals;
- Procedures for performing work are always simple, constantly aiming at the satisfaction of customers, related organizations and individuals:
Objective 1: Ensure service quality and revenue, be stable in financial autonomy towards becoming a public service unit that self-insures regular and investment expenditures
Objective 2: Friendly working environment, each individual is responsible for performing well the assigned work according to the job description, evaluating results associated with quantity, quality and efficiency of work
Objective 3: Gradually implement digitalization, manage the system with software